
Friday, March 8, 2013

Shopping List and Menu

This week, I am going to feed my family for an entire week for $76.93.  We are a family of four, with a 5 and 9 year old.

Remember, I always go through my kitchen and look to see what I need to use up before I make my shopping list.
Here is what I had left this week:
Stephenson On-Hand List

Then I check out the ads and coupons and match up any deal that I may need.
Comp & Coupon Deals
I am just starting to get a good coupon stash together, hopefully I can start using more coupons in the future.  As I build my binder, I will share the process with you!

Then I make a menu combining the items on those two lists.
Here is what we will be eating this week.
Stephenson Menu
 Please keep in mind, that if there are any leftovers we do try to eat them up for lunch or even dinner.  This often means that something I had planned for the week doesn't get eaten.  That meal is then stashed in the freezer or pantry and I will try and use it up the next week instead.

Here is what I bought and how much I paid.  I know I messed up on some items and didn't get the best deals, but that's ok.  I know that with practice, I will get better and better. Each week I am saving more and more!
Shopping Trip List & Prices

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